Working Papers
Working papers (with drafts) and works in progress (without drafts) are below.
Difference-in-Differences Designs: A Practitioner’s Guide
with with Andrew Baker, Brantly Callaway, Scott Cunningham, and Pedro Sant'Anna.
link | Resubmitted to the Journal of Economic Literature, March 2025
How Do Low-Income Households Respond to Basic Income? Experimental Evidence from Minneapolis
with Vanessa Palmer
link | pre-analysis plan | study materials | December 2024.
Difference-in-Differences with a Continuous Treatment
with Brantly Callaway and Pedro Sant'Anna
arXiv | January 2024. Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review (June 2024)
Works in Progress
The Impact of Medicare's Introduction on Life Expectancy
with with Adriana Lleras-Muney, Joe Price, and Dahai Yue
The Role Of Bureaucracies In Welfare Programs: Evidence From Flows Data
with with Honey Batra
Who Benefits from Federal Welfare Spending? Evidence from the Introduction of Progressive Cost Sharing
with with Matt Pesner
The Introduction of Disability Welfare Benefits and the Size of the Safety Net
with with Dan Fetter and Lucie Schmidt